Tuesday, November 08, 2005

France is doomed.

It's amazing how people are reacting to the French riots now that they have been going on for THIRTEEN DAYS!!!!!!! One writer for the AP has suggested that the riots are not that bad, and are now on the decline. After 13 days, you would hope that the riots are begining to disperse. the AP writer quotes that only 226 towns reported rioting as aposed to 300. But he disregards the fact that 226 towns reporting rioting is still unimaginable. He also reports that only 1,173 cars where burned betweeen monday night and tuesday morning as opposed to 1,408 the night before. Again he gives little thought to the fact that these numbers are horrific!

Now the French government plans to charge the rioters (who are mostaly children) with a curfew law. like this will help; these people are RIOTING, not staying out late at the disco.

"President Jacques Chirac declared a 12-day state of emergency Tuesday, paving the way for curfews to be imposed on riot-hit cities and towns in an extraordinary measure to halt France's worst civil unrest in nearly four decades. Meanwhile, police said the nightly rioting that began Oct. 27 ago was showing signs of abating. "

I guess this is better than nothing. the curfew law in this state of emergency allows poilce to arrest rioters and give them a sentence of two months in jail and up to a $4,400 fine, with minors getting only one month in jail.

What I cannot beleive is that it took Jacques Chirac 13 days to figure this out and declare a state of emergency. It would seem as though he did not want to reconize these riots until they where literally knocking down his front door. this is evdent simply because there was little action taken by the French government until the riots engulfed Paris.

It is clear to me that France is doomed and the government will end up asking the UN to help take care of the rioters. And as we all know the UN is powerless without the United States driving the main part of the forces. And people laughed at me when I said we should invade France.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Just how stupid is the French government??? It would seem as though they just want to let the riots go until the "kids" get tired and just go home. Kind of like letting a forest fire burn it self out. The only problem with this is that riots NEVER just go away. I can no longer stand to read the headlines! I would laugh at how the French government is screwing things up if it would only French kids rioting, but this problem stems from MUSLIM youths. For sake of argument, let’s call them terrorists. I always thought France would be the first European country to fall. And the fact they don’t want to do anything about it is appalling!

LINK: BBC, French riots 'need time to solve'

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I suppose I am a little late with posting the Frence civil unrest news, but it looks like Paris is doomed to be engulfed by the mob that has been burning cars, stoning objects tourching buildings and generaly showing how bad the frence way of life really is.

Paris is srounded

Interntional Herald reports

This has got to stop people; The media has just gone way to far, and is becoming less like professionals and more like the poperitzi. The Drudge Report has learned that Supreme Court nomiee Alito's 90 year old mother is being harassed by so-called reporters.

Devloping article...